
How to speed up your computer/laptop

Anyone that has ever owned a laptop knows that over time it will begin to slow down. Most people will just replace their laptop when it becomes too slow for them to surf the web or do simple tasks, but what most of those people do not realize is that there are easy ways to speed up a laptop and have it running as if it were brand-new. Usually after about a year, laptops will begin to lose some speed that they previously had, this is mostly due to the temporary files, cookies and Internet cache that can easily be removed with certain programs.

The first program that is good for users to have on their laptop is Auslogics Disk Defragmenter. This program is free to download and is one of the easiest fixes for a slow computer. What this program does is take all the fragmented parts of the hard drive and put them together so that they are not scattered and slowing down the computer. This program has a very simple interface and has a nice visual to show users how fragmented their computer is before and after the scan. Using just this program, users will notice a considerable increase in speed on the laptop and can save them hundreds of dollars that they would have spent on a new laptop.

Another program that users should utilize on their laptop is CCleaner. This program makes it easy to clear any Internet history, browsing cookies and Internet cache. By clearing these few things, users will notice a considerable increase in their browser speed as well as loading with web pages. Another thing that this program is great for is registry cleaner, which will improve boot up time and performance. Uninstalling programs can improve hard drive speeds and overall laptop performance, and CCleaner makes uninstalling programs as simple as clicking uninstall.

Overall, laptops are a great electronic device to have when traveling and every day use, but it is very important that users utilize specific programs to keep the laptop running smoothly because like a car, laptops will not function properly if they do not receive regular maintenance. For users that are not very computer literate, a simple web search can give them results that will keep their laptop running like new until they are ready to upgrade. It is not a very difficult task of maintaining the speed of the laptop, but finding the correct programs that do the best job is the most important part of maintaining a laptops performance.

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